Sunday, December 04, 2005


You know when you think you've hit rock bottom, then everything bad just gets even worse....welcome to my life...i've had these black bands, nothing valuable, in fact they came off a toilet...i've been wearing these 3 black bands for 10years now, havent taken them off, they've just become a part of me...well...tonightone of my 3 bands have gone, where??? i dunno...I searched everywhere...but just like everything else in my luck....I cant explain what they mean to me, why they actually mean soooo much...I had a massive panic attack when I realised it had gone, then cried when I couldnt find it....I doubt it'll ever come back....depression can set in fast...i locked myself in my car, back to my anti-social ways and just slept...I feel naked without it, and fat and naked doesnt work for me...its all shit.......I want my black band back


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