Sunday, February 12, 2006

A story of hate

Ok, now I know most people probably think hate is a strong word, I too believe this...hate is disgusting and horrible, and yet something I have towards two people.
If you haven't worked it out by now, I'm a pretty messed up person....well, not so much now, its more a internal struggle with myself, I guess I project alot of self hatred towards myself...but this story of hate is not about me or even how much I hate myslef, this is so much deeper so much hate for who we will call MW on here.
So yes, for the past 6 years I have lived in hate of this person, this goes so much further from dislike. Be warned before you read on i'm about to release alot of shit...but I just need to let it out, cos I'm just not dealing with things very well.
Ok, so lets go back about of say 8 years ago, I was one very messed up teen, to cut a long story short I got diagnosed with Bipolar depression and there wasn't very much that would make me happy, well in fact there was only one thing that made me happy and he we will be known as T.

Anyway, back to MW, we had met in a theatre group (oh...he could not act to save himself) and this is also where I had met T.
Now apart from T, everyone knew or had suspicion that I had fallen hard for T...T and I had started a friendship, we'd been I guess 'mates' for a lil while.....(from the minute I saw him, I was in love) ...and to have this developing friendship, well I finaly had a reason to wake up, I longed for his phone calls to hear his voice to see his smile...I was in love, but friendship was perfect (even though I wanted so much more)
Well, I remember the day so clearly, I had been in a happy mood, had been shopping with my best friend and had some photos developed, I was so happy that there was one of me and T, I had brought a photo frame of a sunflower and couldn't wait to get home to put the pic in the frame...I just just framed the photo when the phone was MW, how he got my number I dont know...he was just a guy I knew I dont think I would have even called him a friend...but he was on the phone with something 'very important' he had to tell I listened and as each word rolled of his tounge every little bit of hope, of joy, of happiness was being stripped from me...'T hates you' he sais, 'he hates talking to you' 'he hates seeing you' 'he never wants to hear from you again' 'he never wants to see you again' bang bang bang, shot after shot straight to my heart, I could feel myself falling to the floor, I feel empty, I have nothing to say...I hang up the phone...smash, I throw the photo frame and at this moment I have no reason to know there has been more than one person who has said that they wanted to kill themselves...fuck, to get to the point of thinking of doing it bad enough...but at that very minute after hearing those words, I HAD NO HESITATION...there was no second thought, I grabbed a pair of scissors and I was aiming for the wrist...all I can say is thank God for my best friend being there, as she was one step behind me and was wrestling with me on the floor to get the scissors out of my hand...she ended up punching me in the mouth, and held me down for about a hour before I had cried myself to sleep. If she hadn't been there, if she had left before I had got that phone call I would be dead now, I know that after that phone call in that moment, I had no second thought about ending my life.
T kept calling though (funny how he hated me but was calling) and again to cut the story slightly shorter (cos theres still alot to go) about 3 month later T and I were a official couple. I dared to face my fear...that he had once said that he hated me...I asked him, saying that it was in the past I just need to know....he swore black and blue, crossed his heart... everything, that he had never uttered those words....MW HAD how the fuck those someone do that, make up a complete lie and call someone they bearly know to tell them that lie....because of his lie...I could have been dead.
Anyway much to my disgust MW is still around...I ocasionaly see him at like parties and stuff like that...and over the past 7 years I have made it very fucking clear...I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!!!! There was not even a friendship to even salvage...but even if there was, I could not forgive can you forgive someone who almost cost your life...especially when it was no accident....he deliberatly had made that call to tell me a lie, the lie was the only thing he had said in the phone call....I just want nothing to do with him. It makes me sick enough to see him....but you see once a fuck head always a fuck head...there are other stories of what he has done to others, but personaly he has done enough to me to make me HATE.
Anyway, so boy (yes its still T (almost 6 years) ) had a gig....and MW was there, bad enough, but he kept trying to join group conversations I was in and just wouldn't keep his distance, after the gig, we headed to a house warming party...argggghhhh, he was there too...he was leaving and he just had to....'bye Laura' he says....for fuck sake! For the past & years I have told this guy to fuck off...and it had been about 3 years since I had last said it to him, but I was sooooo angry, I had to say it again 'FUCK OFF' but you you think dickhead gets the he keeps going 'ha, thats the most I have gotten out of you in about 3 years' now i'm fuming now 'FUUCCCKKKKK OFFFF' I say it again, everyone at this party can hear this....'you have to get over the past' he says (i'm sorry, but I cant just forget that his actions nearly cost my life) 'FUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKK OFFFFFFFF' now the last words that this bastard just said is to get over the past then do you want to know the next thing that comes out of his mouth 'I HOPE THAT CANCER STRIKES YOU LIKE LIGHTENING' I swear to God that MW IS SATAN....little does he know nor anyone else in that party bar my boy is that this Tuesday I am going to see the Doctor to get results on if I have cancer....and I'm already shitting myself, cos I had two lots of tests done and only one of the results had come through and I had a call from my the clinic or whatever the doctors office that the doctor wanted me to come in to 'discuss my results' the 2nd lot of results havent even come in you think that to be a good sign....I dont..........FUCK I HATE>>>HATE>>>>HAAAATTTTTTTEEEEEEE MW!!!!!!!!! I cant deal with this shit.


Blogger Ang said...

Hate is a strong word... but one that sums up this situation. What he did was completely an utterly wrong. You do have to wonder what is going on in his world that makes him feel he must hurt people like he did you.

I really really hope for the best with these results!! I have been thinking about it since you first mentioned you were getting tests done, and it seems strange when you didn't mention what the results were. GOOD LUCK! And I seriously hope everything turns out all right.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i would say hate is a good word for MW! What an ass! I find some people and there strange way of treating people so incomprehendible at times! Sounds like T must be a good one though!
Good luck for your results on Tuesday, I will be thinking of you.

1:45 PM  
Blogger TOWR said...

MW probably told you that crap because he had a thing for you but he knew that you were enamored with T. And I'm sorry, but you just DO NOT wish that kind of thing on ANYBODY. I'm so so so sorry that you're going through such a scary time and I hope with all my might that your test results will be good. I'm glad that you have a good guy like T to support you.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one word for you laura.... karma....

what goes around comes around...

maybe he had a crush on you and he though that if he got t out of the picture he'd have a chance himself...

even now years later... he still wants to hang around... there's a chance he has a problem... and i know you hate him... but at the same time i think you should forget what he says and take it as a compliment.... he obviously wanted to get 'noticed" and get a reaction out of you... and he did...

you should try forget about him... pretend he's not there... try not to get all worked up if you do happen to see him around... you're bound to see him from time to time, if you have some of the same friends...

what he did was wrong... and i bet somewhere deep down he knows that... and maybe one day you'll get the apology you want...

as for the test results.... as i said before... having a 2nd lot doesn't mean there's something bad there to be seen.... but goodluck anyway...

my thoughts are with you...

and i'm here if you need to vent!

9:36 PM  
Blogger Em said...

No guy is worth your own life!
I have been in a dark place were suicide was a huge part, and darl its not worth it, no matter how bad you think it is ther eis always optoins!

11:24 PM  
Blogger RaeC said...

It sounds to me like MW is just pure black inside. It appears as though his sole purpose is to have a huge effect on your life which he has. Somehow in his twisted mind it makes him feel like a big man.

I don't blame you for hating him with what he has done, but by allowing this hate for him to consume you, you are giving him far more power over you than he deserves. The worse thing you can do to someone like MW is to ignore them. He is a pathetic little man who delights in hurting others. He is the cancer here. I hope you can soon find enought strength to ignore him, which is all he deserves.

I am wishing you all the best with your tests on Tuesday. Please let us know as soon as you find out your results. Big hugs Laura.

Love Rae x

12:21 AM  
Blogger philippa_moore said...

Hi Laura, sorry I've been a stranger lately!

I think this MW might have liked you and just wanted to break you and T up so he could make a move. It's incredible what some people will stoop to.

I'm with the others - don't allow the hate and anger to consume you and destroy your life, years on. You're letting him win if you do that.

Hope all goes well for you this week, and please let us know when you find out your results. Thinking of you :)

9:36 AM  
Blogger Dee said...

Well everyone else gave you great advice...

I totally agree that MW was just trying to break you and T up and act is bad enough but the way he went about it was just digusting.

I doubt anyone in you situation would use any other word but hate to describe feeling towards him.

It's hard to let go of what he's done, and it's shitty that he's still trying to get in your life! I just hope you don't let him afffect you too much.

Good luck with all the tests, thoughts are with you.

By the way, Wow @ 6yrs!! That's was so awesome to read about you and T.

2:01 PM  

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