Thursday, December 15, 2005


Thank-you to all those who posted back...Like I replied to most, its in hope that I can create some kind of I guess for lack of better words, a communtiy a support network, its amazing to see how you all have supported eachother and it would be great to have that kind of support...and if it was it doesn't work as support, as i'm the type of person who doesn't like to let people down i'll have to make promises that I have to keep. no more crap, no more bullshit. Tomorrow i'm gonna stand on a scale and get a current weight, so I know exactly where I am, and then I can work out where I want to be.
I'm going to get the exercise bike that I have wanted for soooo long, at least that way if I cant get to the gym I will have something at home that I can do.
No more downward spiral, things have to get better, I'm going to make it better. So I beg to those who have previously posted those who wish to post....please do...I need all the help and support I can get. From this minute on (well when I wake up) its my vow to loose the 'fat' both physically and mentally. You have no idea how scary that seems. So, now I plan to set a new goal every week...tiny tiny goal for the week (not much of the week left) is to get the exercise bike, and its as good as done. Maybe if I can overcome small goals things wont seem as big...or overwhelming.....Wish me luck...cos here I go


Blogger Margaret said...

Hi Laura. I found your blog through Philippa's and wanted to say Hi. You are doing an AMAZING thing by opening yourself up and putting your feelings and desires and daily interactions here in your blog. It is an amazing tool and the support and community here is the main thing I credit for my success so far.

I am on holidays from today but I will come back in January to see how you are going. I hope you find the bike you want and give it a great workout over Christmas.

Have a great day Laura. :D

7:41 AM  
Blogger Leighanne said...

Just popped in to say hi!
Hope you find a great bike, I have an airwalker and a mini tramp that I use while I am watching TV or listening to music!
I live in Melb area too!
Have a great weekend:0

9:31 AM  
Blogger philippa_moore said...

Laura, I was so pleased to read this. This is a very brave step to make and I'm thrilled for you that you've decided to start taking action about your situation and your feelings. I know you can do this! Take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself. This is not a quick fix. This is a change to your life, and you won't go back!

I'll be back to see how you're going! Take care :)

10:26 AM  
Blogger Dee said...

Hi Laura,

I found you through Kathryn's blog and as I read some of your earlier posts it touched my heart - I just wanted you to know that I was there too and I know like many who have posted how hard it is to do this.

It takes a strong person to face the truth and want to do things the right way to get a better life - I love what you wrote about having to lose both the physical and mental fat. It rings soo true, so many weight loss journeys (myself included) run so much deeper then just not eating the food, and I agree with M you will get so much out of writing down your feelings and embracing the network of bloggers out here.

You've taken incredibly brave steps and I wish you all the luck with your journey.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Whoa, huge change of attitude - that's great to see :)

You are so right, baby steps is the way to do it. When I first started out, I'd think of three things I could do to change my life each week. Nothing big, just things like drink water and go for a 20 minute walk a few times a week. I mean you can't go from nothing to be super-health and fitness girl overnight and to start off with you only need to make small changes to see a difference. I still use this technique whenever I go off track because otherwise it all seems so hard.

I think blogging makes a huge difference. As you've found out already, there is so much support in this community. Just being about to write out how you feel helps so much and so does knowing that there are so many other people out there that are going through the same things.

Having an exercise bike at home would be fantastic. Have you thought about hiring one? That way if you get bored with the bike you can change and get some other equipment. I don't know how the costs work out for that though.

Good luck with it all. Hope to read much of your successes in the future :)

1:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well done for putting it out there. I will come along for the ride with you and cannot wait to read your progress.

I was where you are a couple of years ago and did not know how to get out! I began examining myself and the negative self talk I was using about myself.. This sounds cheesy but I read Dr. Phil's Ultimate weight solution and it really helped with the negative self talk stuff..

Best Wishes for Christmas and the new year!

1:47 PM  

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